Celebrating Little Things

Baadeck Yarns

Baadeck Yarns

The Welcome sign at the bottom of the driveway at Baadeck Yarns.

A couple of December’s ago, I went on a ‘fibre frolic’ with two friends; Alayne Martell and Andrea Temple.  They picked me up at my house and we headed out to Baadeck Yarns, in Alayne’s Volkswagen.  We weren’t more than 15kms from home, when we suddenly found ourselves in a snowstorm.  By the time we got to the Trans Canada Highway in Queensville, we were in a blizzard.  We trudged along with Alayne driving, Andrea in the co-pilot’s seat and me sitting on the middle of the back seat.  The visibility was soon nonexistent, but we continued on.  Someone suddenly said ‘Who’s idea was this anyway?’ and all three of us just cracked up laughing.  But onward we went.  As  quickly as we drove into the storm, we drove out of it, with blue skies and sunshine, only to drive into it again.  Once we were beyond Whycocomagh, the skies turned blue again, the sun was out and the roads were bare.  We arrived in Baddeck, none the worse for wear, and promptly went to Baadeck Yarns.  The girls were looking for various fibres and colours for their weaving artworks, while I, as always, was in the market for wool of any kind but particularly sock yarn.  This is one of the best shops I’ve ever visited.  It is bright, with nice lighting and natural light.  The yarn is displayed beautifully and there are always many hand knit items on display.  It is such a fun, pretty and warm shop, that one can’t feel anything but happiness when moseying about.  The three of us went about, checking the many weights, styles, and colours of yarn, reading labels and looking at the many notions.  At one point, I turned around to see Alayne laying down on the floor.  I said ‘what are you doing?’.  She looked up, while holding a skein of yarn,  feeling its texture and with eye closed and said ‘just feeling the fibres on the bottom shelf’.  Oh how we laughed.  Pat, the owner of the shop, was doubled over.  We had such a wonderful time  visiting the shop that day.

Last week social media told me that Baadeck Yarns was closing.  WHAT?  How could this be?  Pat was retiring.  Initially I was sad and then realized how selfish that was of me.  Pat has been at this business for 26 years.  She deserves to retire and enjoy life, in a different way.  She told me she will now have time to knit.  Of course I had to make one last visit.  Here is a sampling of a few pictures I took that day.



The shop as you enter.

Large spinning wheel in the loft area is such an added touch.

Another view of the shop and the gorgeous stock.

One of the many items on display.  A colourful shawl.

Another view of the shop and its glorious stock.

A nice touch hanging in the window.  Pat told me she was going to enjoy some boating now.

A masked Pat waiting on my masked Mom.

Did I buy anything?  Of course.  Two skeins of  Fleece Artist sock yarn and another skein in yellow, blue and white to make a shawl.

I have warm memories, much laughter and quality yarns from Baadeck Yarns.

Congratulations Pat.  I’ll miss you and and miss the shop, but wishing you nothing but the best in retirement.


  1. Judy Guptill

    What a beautiful, colorful place. It’s a shame that the business couldn’t be sold and moved to Cape Breton …hint…hint…🙂🧶

  2. The Hughena of Starbucks

    I was there to pick up something for a co-worker. Even though I am not a knitter, I just loved it in there, the warm feeling and the beautiful colours. Thanks for taking us on your visit there!

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