Here is a blog post that highlights some of the little things that makes me so happy. We are living in a challenging time, and it is so easy to be negative, to find fault, to complain and wish things were different. But we have a choice to be happy and acknowledge the ‘little things’ which makes us smile, warms our heart and brings us happiness. I challenge anyone who reads my blog, to take a few minutes to think about some of those things and be thankful for the ‘little things’. 

  1. On a recent trip to the Bay, in Sydney, I found large Lindt bars for 45 cents. I kid you not. They were due to expire in a few days, but that didn’t matter to me. I bought 5.
  2. On a recent visit to Sarah Nettleton’s, I had the pleasure of visiting her Mom, Martha, and sampling Martha’s Ginger cookies, which were the best I have ever had. 
  3. Mom and I visited Sandy and Greg a couple of weeks after Thanksgiving. Since we had not been together for the actual holiday, they surprised us with a full Thanksgiving dinner. What a meal, what a time!
  4. Having blueberry pie before breakfast. Since we were so full after our delicious belated Thanksgiving meal, and had no room for dessert, we had blueberry pie, before breakfast, the next morning. Such a great way to start the day. 
  5. On this same trip, Mom and I went to Costco. Mom’s wedding ring and engagement ring slipped off her finger. We were so thankful to find them, in the middle of Costco, on a Saturday afternoon ,with so many people hustling and bustling. 
  6. I have not been to a hairdresser since Covid put us into lockdown in March. Even though restrictions have been lifted, I have decided to let my hair grow. I’m surprised, and amused, at all the positive comments on my hair. 
  7. I often meet a school bus, not far from home, as I drive to work. Each time I meet the bus, the driver has a big smile and waves to me. I don’t believe I know him, but he waves as if he knows me. I just love seeing his friendly face and enthusiastic wave. 
  8. This year the Tree for Boston came from a woodland very close to home. I had the pleasure of visiting the tree twice, before it was cut down and began the journey to Boston. The second time Mom and I wore our “Boston Strong” tee shirts my cousin Norma had given us several years ago. 
  9. I love the fall time change. I know many people don’t enjoy the darkness setting in so early, but I just love to see the sunrises. Is there a better way to start the day, than with a gorgeous sunrise? Well, maybe a slice of blueberry pie before breakfast would make it better. 
  10. I managed to have my winter tires installed prior to our first snowfall. I was cutting it, close having them on only two days before the first snow, but still, they were on. Thank you TriMac Toyota for the fabulous service, as always. 
  11. And speaking of the first snowfall, I just love it. I wasn’t prepared to wake up to several centimetres of snow this week, but to see the evergreen trees blanketed in a layer of white is so pretty. Every turn on the drive to work was picture perfect. 
  12. On my drive home I have noticed several homes with their Christmas trees up. The warm glow of Christmas lights, filling a living room, makes my heart so happy. I can’t wait to start decorating this coming weekend. 
  13. Yesterday Mom and I worked outside covering our many shrubs, to protect them from deer snacking on them over the winter. I love working outside and especially love having Mom out with me. 
  14. Forever friends being there when you need a favour. Many thanks to Robert and Connie for giving Mom a drive to town on Friday. And to Cathy C. for coming to my eye appointment this week. 
  15. I get up at 5:45 Monday to Friday. I get up extra early so I can spend 30 minutes knitting. I love the peacefulness of knitting early in the morning. It just gets my day off on the right foot, when I can relax for a short time before going to work. 
  16. The scent of Mom’s chocolate chip cookies, fresh from the oven. Heavenly.  
  17. Weekly phone calls to my uncle Dickie. 
  18. Scrolling through Facebook and finding the perfect quote that just resonates. “Deep breaths are like little love notes to your body”
  19. Song lyrics, or a fiddle tune, that you have listened to so many times, but suddenly leaps out and speaks to you, like you are hearing it for the first time. 
  20. And last, but certainly not least, laughing with my coworkers everyday. Yes, EVERYDAY!!! 

Now sit back, close your eyes, and think about three ‘little things’ that mean so much.