Celebrating Little Things

Finding Golf Balls

What is it about finding golf balls, that I find so therapeutic and rewarding? I learned a long time ago, not to go walking on the local golf course without a bag or two, or a knapsack with me. I just never have enough pockets to pick up all the balls I find. 

As we have been blessed with such glorious weather the past few days, I had another urge to get out and enjoy the fresh air. I decided to hike a few holes of the golf course, in hopes of finally seeing some wildlife, that seems to have disappeared in the last couple of days. With hiking poles, knapsack and camera in tow, I was off for a couple of hours of hiking. 

I had barely started my hike, when I heard a friendly “hello”. I turned and a young man was approaching me, politely inquiring as to what I was doing. I explained I was just walking, hoping to take some pictures and pick golf balls. He said ‘oh, okay then. I thought you were doing a survey of some kind’. He wished me well and told me to have a nice walk. A survey? I’m not sure what kind of survey he thought I’d be doing, but I thought to myself, maybe I’ll survey golf balls. The dimple faced spheres soon started popping up all around me. Some were laying out in the open, making me wonder how they were never found, while others were only showing a dimple or two, making me wonder how I ever saw them. There were the common white, yellow/green, pink, and orange balls, but then I found a very brilliant reddish orange one that was almost harsh to look at, and no sooner did I find that one when an extremely brilliant yellow one appeared. Upon looking closer the word ‘neon’ was on one of them. That was absolutely a perfect name for them. I wonder do they glow in the dark?

I was a golfer for many years, but I didn’t initially take to the game at all. My Uncle Hughie started golfing when he was in his 70’s. He was a lefty and so was I. Many times he tried to persuade me to take his clubs and give it a try, but I wasn’t interested. Finally one day, when I was about 12, I decided to try the sport. After 6 holes, shooting around 120, I looked way up in the distance towards the flag on the number 7 green and couldn’t imagine climbing uphill yet again. I threw the club back in the bag and cut through the woods for home. That was the end of my golfing for many years. Then in 1990 when I started working at the golf course, and golfing was free for employees, I took up the sport again. I quickly realized how much I enjoyed the game, especially when those high scores started coming down. I basically became addicted and would golf at least 9 holes daily. There were days I couldn’t make a bad shot, but other days when I couldn’t make a good one. It can be a frustrating game and so much of it is all mental preparation. I had so much fun golfing with friends, playing in tournaments, especially scrambles, participating in a night-time tournament with glow in the dark balls, making incredible shots and missing tap ins. Finally all that ceased, when I got a ‘grip’ on my game, and gave it up cold turkey, in 1997. I have only golfed, on occasion, in the McCarthy family scramble since. I don’t miss it. I can’t justify the time, money or frustration of chasing a little white ball around a field, or in the woods anymore. But I still have this unbelievable desire to find golf balls. 

Attributed to Mark Twain but no one really knows. I agree with the quote.

Today was rewarding. I came home with 176 balls in no time. I was saying ‘just one more’ from the time I had found 50 until finding my last ball near the parking lot before heading home. It’s like looking for Easter eggs, only I can’t eat golf balls. I love the different colours, although I have yet to find a purple one. And yes, there are purples balls. There are so many colours; navy, black, dark green, aqua, light pink, dark pink, light orange, dark orange, red, purple, neon, pastels and more. I don’t have many other than the normal yellow, pink, orange and white and now a few of the neon ones, but that purple one has continued to elude me and it is the one colour I’d really like to find. 

Besides different colours, there are, of course, different makes of balls; Nike, Taylor Made, Callaway, Bridgestone (yup, they make more than tires), Top-Flight, Maxfli (my favourite. My only hole in one came using a Maxfli Master), Titleist (the one ball I hated. No matter how good my shot was, it took on a path of its own, never going where it was supposed to), and others. In my pursuit of the purple ball, I’m also finding newer brands like Srixon, Volvik, and Noodle. 

Getting back to the original question, just what is it about finding balls that is so pleasing? I have no idea. When I’m walking the golf course, I am totally oblivious to anything happening in the world. I may have great intentions of passing the time while walking, thinking about things, but I totally lose all concentration and become obsessed with finding balls. And I get this little thrill with each ball I find. I sometimes turn them over in my hand and see symbols, messages or someone’s initials. I try to think of who’s balls I’m finding, especially if there are initials. For instance; DJ. – Dustin Johnson, W.G. – Wayne Gretzky (keeping it in the family), S. C. – Santa Claus, BB – Big Bird. Now that would be quite a sight, seeing Big Bird golfing. That one made me laugh out loud. The best haul I made today was bending over to pick up a ball and finding six, all within arms length. And seeing two more very close by. It can also be a hazardous pastime. I just can’t let a ball go, so I find myself climbing up or down embankments, that I really have no reason even thinking I can navigate, let alone actually trying. Or hanging over a fallen try reaching, stretching as far as I can, only to realize my feet are no longer in contact with the ground and yes, I’m taking a header just for one little dimple faced orbit of plastic, elastic and rubber. But the reward of grabbing the ball, and stuffing it in a jacket pocket, is so worth the dangerous predicament. 

This is an odd colour. it is white, but it seems it has an outer layer of clear coat.
This one looks like a soccer ball.
Many have symbols on them. This one is breast cancer which seemed a popular find today.
Two blue dots beside the 3 to identify this owner.
AF who could this be? I’m betting on my friend Alex Forgeron.
People use interesting ways to identify their balls.
Maxfli – In my golfing days I loved a Maxfli Master.
This was the last ball I found. What a great message for 2021!!! It was perfect. HOPE

What will I do with the 176 balls found today? Add them to the stash of thousands I have already found. Maybe I’ll have a roadside kiosk, on weekends, next summer and make a few bucks. Hmm….would that be taxable income? Maybe I’ll start crafting with them. Snowmen and snow-women maybe….likely not. 

I guess the answer, to the question is that it can be thrilling, exciting, dangerous in a fun way, relaxing, surprising, an escape from every day thoughts, a workout, adrenalin rush, calming, rewarding, satisfying, and unsatisfying, until I find that purple one. The search will go on. 

1 Comment

  1. judy guptill

    Great blog. I had no idea that you could find so many on one trip. Down here the golfers use the bright colored ones if playing in the snow or on foggy days. I agree with the quote about a hike ruined…lol.there has to he something creative you can make with golf balls. At least make one snowman fir yourself. How about a wreath?

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