Celebrating Little Things

Celebrating Little Things – Part 3

Slow down…..

Slow down and smell the coffee, the cake baking in the oven, the clear crisp winter air, the clothes you hung on the line, or your favourite body lotion. One thing Covid has taught us all, is that life was passing us by, all too fast. Everyone has had to slow down, whether they wanted to or not. Make the most of it. Enjoy it while it lasts, because once we our out of the pandemic, I believe pandemonium will once again take over.

A few little things….

  1. Our driveway had become very icy after a snow/freezing rain/rain event recently. A wonderful friend and neighbour noticed how icy it was, early one morning, and had one of his employees sand our driveway for us. We are so lucky to live in a community where we all look after one another. This meant a lot to us.
  2. Jigsaw puzzles – they are such fun, even when they are ridiculously hard, like a puzzle of wine corks we did last winter. We were determined to get that one done, no matter what, and dear me, it was a corker…no pun intended. But having a puzzle under way is so much fun. Mom and I will work on it for a long time, just shuffling pieces, maybe not even talking, but just determined to make progress.
By far the hardest puzzle we ever did. I used a real cork as good luck.
This one kept us sharp, even when we were flat.
We presently have a Van Gogh on the go.
  1. Farm Fresh Eggs – there is nothing like heading to a local farm to buy eggs. The eggs are so much better than those in the stores. The yolks are so bright, often almost orange. The shells are brown, white and greenish. And sometimes we luck out and get a double yolker. A trip to the farm means seeing the calves chowing down, the chickens running loose and sometimes the kittens are romping in an apple tree. And always a cheerful conversation with Tanya. We are privileged to have farms nearby to supply us with eggs, meats and wool.
The Lilac Farm
Various colours of farm fresh eggs.
One of the calves at the Lilac Farm.
  1. Getting lost in a good book. I’ve read some great ones lately; One Good Reason: A Memoir of Addiction and Recovery, Music and Love by Andrea Aragon and Sean McCann, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and Brighten the Corner Where You Are by Carol Bruneau.
  1. Flying a Kite – although I haven’t done this recently, I did fly my kite on Point Michaud beach a couple of years ago. I had never been to Point Michaud, so that in itself was awesome. There was a decent wind, which made flying my kite incredible. There is something so free about kite flying. The next time someone tells me to ‘go fly a kite’, I just might take them up on the offer.
  1. While out for a walk today I glanced up towards the sky and I saw the whitest seagull soaring overhead. The contrast with the deep blue sky was beautiful. It was a WOW moment and I didn’t get a picture.
  1. I also saw lots of animal tracks everywhere. The full moon was this morning at 3:17, called the snow moon, so I can only believe the animals had a bit of a party last night. Apparently they don’t have to social distance. I wish they would invite me sometime. I saw otter, muskrat, deer and fox tracks all over.
  1. While checking on a seasonal property today, I glanced across the road at an old farm field. I noticed a fox rooting in the tuffs of grass not covered with snow. I watched it for a few minutes and saw him leaping high into the air, landing and burrowing his face in the snowy brown grass. It is amazing to watch how high they can leap. He was obviously hunting for his lunch.
I think it wanted to be friends.
  1. I love getting home from work to find a ‘squishy’ parcel that arrived in the mail. This week it was from Biscotte Yarn in Quebec. I’ve never purchased or used their yarn before, so I was excited to open up and see what I was sent. I was not disappointed. Lovely colours. And 5 unique sock patterns. I can’t wait to feel these fibres moving through my fingers, as I knit socks for special people.
Look at those gorgeous colours. Now to decide which one to use first.
  1. Making a new recipe and being presently surprised at how good it was. Today I made stew in the slow cooker. I’m not a lover of stew and have not had much luck finding a recipe that I like. We had some beef stew meat from another local farm, Katherine Farms, which I wanted to use. I have to say this recipe was quite delicious and the meat was very tender and tasty. I’ll be making this again. I think the secret was the caraway seeds. Yum.
Beef stew in the slow cooker.
  1. Pictures, pictures and more pictures – I get such enjoyment out of taking my camera for a walk. There is almost always something interesting to take a picture of. (I don’t think I should end a sentence with a preposition. Hopefully Mrs. MacDonald or Mrs. MacKenzie-MacKay won’t read this.)
Another otter slide.
Through the patio hole.
Who remembers tire swings? This one is a Goodyear.
These friends are never far away. I saw them soaring before landing on the ice for a rest.
Ice covered rocks on the beach.
A snarly gnarly uprooted tree partially coated in ice.
Look up, way up and take note of what you see.
  1. I’m thankful for the gorgeous weather on Thursday past, as I had to take Mom to Antigonish to the eye doctor. It’s always an iffy time of year to travel. Also very thankful to see the warm glow of the kitchen lights, as I arrive home from work, when the roads are not always perfect for driving.

Now just take a few minutes and think about the little things are you thankful for today. As we continue to navigate this crazy time, try to focus on the positives. We are truly so very lucky in so many ways.

  • All photos are taken by me using either a Canon Powershot or a Nikon Coolpix.


  1. judy guptill

    I always look forward to your blogs. I’m amazed at what you have all around you…kind people, beautiful scenery and so much wildlife. Good message as always Hughena.

    • Hughena MacDougall

      Thank you. I’m very lucky to live where I do and I appreciate every single day.

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