Celebrating Little Things

My Experience With Covid

Overnight Tuesday April 12 – Wednesday April 13/22

During the night I developed an annoying tickle in my throat. With every inhale it felt like a wee feather was tickling the back of my throat, thus causing me to cough. For several hours it was inhale, cough, inhale, cough. When I got up in the morning, of course my throat was irritated. As I got ready for work, doing the usual routine, I knew something wasn’t right. However, I tried to shrug it off. Part of me was saying ‘take a rapid test’, while the other part said ‘suck it up. It’s nothing’. But I think one really does know their body best. Finally I gave in and listened to the part saying ‘take a rapid test’. I prepped my testing work area and even though I’ve taken a few rapid tests, I still read the directions. First is the throat swab. Now seriously, do they have to say ‘this may cause you to gag’. All I have to do is read the word gag and I start gagging. I’m gagging and gagging and trying to calm down to get a swab. Finally success followed by more gagging. Then the nose swabs. Stick it up the first nostril, move it about then push your nostril against the stick and circle a few more times. Yup, so now my eyes are running, I’m still trying to suppress the gagging and I have mucus coming out of my nose. I’m quite a sight. And I still have the second nostril to go. Finally the sample is ready and the three drops are placed in the testing apparatus. WOW, instantly there are two lines. I give it the 15 minutes before convincing myself I have Covid, but I know there is no way one of those lines is going away. 

The moment it is confirmed I start shaking. I’m not worried for me, but I’m worried for Mom. Although she is in good health, given her age it could be serious. I try to calm myself down, but so many thoughts rushing through my head. Who was I around recently? I had an eye appointment and a dental appointment last week. I must contact those offices. Co-workers of course. Who else? Thankfully I don’t socialize much, so my list is short. 

Physically I’m not feeling too bad. But mentally/emotionally I’m a wreck. It feels like I’ve been running a marathon for two years for nothing. I did everything I was supposed to do and it got me. I continued to wear my mask even after the mask mandate was lifted. I still don’t visit many people and try to keep my distance when out and about. I’m frustrated. I’m angry. I’m scared and worried. We were supposed to go to Sandy’s and Greg’s for Easter this weekend. It is the second time we were supposed to go spend a holiday with them, only to have to back out. My bag was packed and I was ready to go. From now on I will not prep in advance and if I forget to bring something, too bad. I will always be a last minute packer. It is so darn frustrating. 

I booked a PCR test for both Mom and I. We are able to get one within a couple of hours, which is great. We arrive and the staff are always so kind and obliging. I have had several PCR tests and have always had the most amazing experience. I don’t envy what these people do. We have to change our mask and sanitize our hands, answer more questions that aren’t on the online questionnaire, and then wait in line until we are called. The next stop is registration and more questions. They are trying to track where the outbreaks are coming from, so they asked where I worked. Then off to have yet another swab stuck up my nose. It’s not the most comfortable experience and this particular one felt like it hit my brain. Again, eyes watering, nose running. We were in and out in less than 10 minutes. 

Now I’m waiting. They said 24-72 hours. They told me since my rapid was positive I have to isolate for 7 days from time of first symptoms or positive test, whichever came first. First symptoms during the night, so I’ll be free next Wednesday morning. If only the PCR would come back negative. But again, I know my body and I know I have something. 

As the day went on my symptoms grew worse. From the initial irritated throat, I then developed a stuffy nose and I also had an on and off headache. When I went to bed Wednesday night I had the chills, only to become much too warm and sweating a few hours later. Sleep didn’t exactly take place, as my mind wouldn’t shut down. As the night progressed I became increasingly sore. I’m sore in places I didn’t know existed. Often just before getting sick, and while I’m sick, I get a very odd sensation in the small of my back. It’s hard to describe but it is a creepy crawly feeling on my skin. That surfaced sometime on Wednesday. 

As I said, my mind doesn’t shut down. I’m missing work and there is nothing that peeves me off as much as not being able to go to work. I feel like I’m letting people down. I really need to turn my mind off.

I hate Covid and I wish it would just go away. However, if this is the worst of it, I’ll feel lucky.

Day 2 Thursday April 14/22 – And the waiting continues. It is only 8am and I’ve already checked my email, for my results, a half dozen times. I had breakfast, but I don’t have much of an appetite. I haven’t lost my sense of taste though, so I’m happy about that. Lunch was much the same. No appetite. 

Finally at 11:36 my test results came through. And as I expected, I am POSITIVE. 

My doctor called at 3:30 to inform me that my test was positive, even though he assumed I already knew. He was correct in his assumption. He asked me when I first felt symptoms or tested positive. He told me I have to stay in until next Wednesday. He was just making sure I understood the situation. I was quite surprised to receive a call but very appreciative. 

I napped this morning for about an hour and again this afternoon. Prior to getting Covid I thought a week at home in isolation wouldn’t be so bad. I could read, knit, write, do word puzzles, play music, sleep, etc. but I have little energy to do any of these things except sleep. My body is so sore that I try to find the most comfortable position and then not move. I had a shower this afternoon and even the water cascading over my body wasn’t comfortable. I always love to wrap in a towel as soon as I get out and even that caused discomfort. It’s not a pain as much as just a dull achy feeling all over. I managed to have French Toast for supper tonight. 

No results for Mom yet. And she has no symptoms. Fingers crossed she escapes it. 

I will continue to update as I move through this virus.


  1. Pat MacDonald

    Take care of yourself Hughena…. I hope and pray that it will go easy on you and stay away from your Mom. Don’t hesitate to ask for whatever you might need…,

  2. J/m willians

    We hope you are feeling better soon. Take good care of yourself.We pray your Mum will escape it.

  3. Holly

    I hope you are feeling better really soon. I worry for your mom, too, and hoping she escapes it. It must be very frustrating and upsetting to get it after how careful you are but this variant seems to be EVERYWHERE. I am so worried of catching it, due to all my underlying heath issues. Keep us updated, please. ❤️

  4. Suzanne O’Regan

    Hope you recuperate really quickly Hughena, and that your mom stays negative. Take good care of yourself.🌸

  5. Elizabeth

    Hope you’re feeling better, very interesting reading your symptoms. I think a lot of people have wondered about how you would know if they’re

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