Celebrating Little Things

My Experience With Covid Part 2

Day 3 Friday April 15/22 – I woke myself up, at 6am, coughing and I coughed pretty much steady until 6:30. I’ll take two positives from this; 1) I was asleep and 2) I woke up. As I layed there I heard the eagle calling. I swear he/she knows there is something up and they were concerned. I also heard many songbirds singing, seagulls and ducks calling, a bluejay and a woodpecker. Not a hard way to wake up in the morning. Before I knew it, it was 8am. I had fallen back to sleep listening to the symphony of birds. Lucky me. Overall I think I’m better this morning. I don’t seem to be as sore and the soreness I do have is likely caused by coughing. I don’t have a headache yet, so hoping that is gone for the duration of this virus. However, the cough I have is no longer a dry hacky annoying cough, but a deeper cough with phlegm. 

Mom’s PCR test is still not back. I checked the portal in case we just didn’t get the email, but there is nothing available. I can only assume no news is good news and she is negative. She is still not showing any symptoms and when I ask how she is feeling her response is “I feel great”. Let’s hope that remains the case. 

One thing about today is that it is Good Friday. Our office is closed, so I don’t feel bad not being at work. I won’t have to think about feeling guilty today.

I’m overwhelmed by the outpouring of messages and phone calls from people offering to pick groceries up, or help in any way. Seriously, it’s more than I could ever have thought possible. I didn’t post my Covid blog for attention but just so others who may end up with it will have something to compare too. I know everyone responds differently to Covid, but sharing my experience may alleviate others worries. However, it has been nothing short of amazing. You know you live in a special place when so many people reach out at a time like this. I am forever thankful to live where I do. I will not try to name people, as I will surely miss some, but to those of you who have been in touch via email, facebook, phone calls, etc. many many thanks. I may not be feeling good but my heart is so very happy. 

When we had our PCR tests we were each given a box of rapid tests. Rapid test boxes seemed to be hard to come by in Nova Scotia. I had received only one box of tests and it came from a lady from Saskatchewan. She happened to stop by, with a mutual friend of ours, when I was out walking, 

and somehow we talked about rapid tests and how they were very hard to find here. She immediately offered a box as she had packed 6 boxes for her trip to Cape Breton. We should be all set for a while now. 

Speaking of PCR tests Mom’s finally came back this afternoon and she was negative. She also received a call from the doctor’s office informing her she was negative. I can’t imagine the extra workload the doctors are doing, to inform everyone of their status. 

I’m trying to see the good in everything. Today we were due to go to Sandy’s and Greg’s for Easter, but obviously we can’t go. I had bought tons of chocolate eggs to hide around their house. One year they had done this to us, and I swear we were still finding them in July. I guess we’ll have to eat them ourselves. Someone suggested hiding them and have an egg hunt. Interesting idea. It would be similar to Mr. Bean sending himself the Christmas cards and getting excited about it. 

I mentioned that I thought I was feeling better this morning but as the day went on that doesn’t appear to be the case. I was back in bed at 10am, for an hour and a half. I got up for lunch and was back in bed from 1-3pm. During this afternoon I developed a terrible sore throat, which seems to be more than an irritation from coughing. More Tylenol I guess. 

I’ll finish up saying don’t take this lightly. Continue to mask and wash your hands. Because if you don’t;

It could reach out and grab ya.

Be well, be safe.


  1. judy guptill

    Definately hide the eggs. You hide half and have Mom hide half then you’ll both have surprises. Make sure you find a few really good places to hide them. Gary would enjoy finding one or two when we finally can get back up there! Maybe wait until you feel better and test negative . The eggs will last. So sorry you are going through this. Feel better soon.

  2. Marie Williams

    Don’t try to rush recovery.Listen to your body. Take good care of You !we pray that you will have a complication free recovery !,

  3. Donna MacMaster

    I heard it said once that the worst thing about living in a small Community is that everyone knows your business, and the BEST thing about living in a small Community is that everyone knows your business – we are so lucky to live in small Communities.

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