Part 3

MacRae’s Island after frigid snowy conditions.
  • March 8/22 – I am so blessed to live where I do. I get to see wildlife each and every day. There is no shortage to the goings on; eagles, deer, mink, otter, bobcat/lynx, beaver, songbirds, crows, etc. Today I watched an otter play on a clamper. It would dive in the water and then climb back onto the clamper, before diving back in again. It was fishing and came up with a small fish to munch on after a couple of dives. How lucky am I to witness so much?
  • March 9/22 – Laughing. Yes, simply laughing. There is really no better feeling than having a gut laugh, or laughing until tears roll down your face. I don’t laugh enough but I’m laughing more than I did for many years.  (I need to start laughing more again.)
Mom and Cousin It – Christmas 2022
  • March 10/22 – The moon was beautiful tonight. And no matter where you are in the world, we all look at the same moon. The moon takes on many views. It can be huge and orangey, a crescent shape, a half moon, full moon and anything in between. There are many different names for the full moon. It can take on an eerie look or be vibrant and clear. But regardless there is only one moon and everyone sees the same one. 
Crescent moon
Full moon
  • March 11/22 – I love Friday’s because this is when all three knitting blogs, that I have registered for, arrive in my inbox. The three that I receive are from Darn Yarn, Galt House of Yarn and Les Laines Biscotte. I love to see the new yarn, colours, patterns, notions and ideas each week.
Knitting relieves stress for me.
  • March 12/22 – Gaelic – I attended a Gaelic class today. What fun!! I took Gaelic many years ago for a few weeks and I loved it. I’ll never been a speaker but for 1-2 hours weekly, for the next few weeks, I’ll be attending. My teacher is Robert Pringle. I had his grandfather, Will Pringle, as my teacher in grades 4-6. I thought that was cool. (Unfortunately I can no longer attend as classes are during my work day, but I’m still very interested.)
100,000 welcomes – Scots Gaelic
Irish Language (Cross stitch I did in 1995).
  • March 13/22 – I love a warm shower. The feeling of water cascading over my body is amazing. I once read that it was one of the things Christopher Reeve really missed, after he became paralyzed, was the feeling of water flowing over his body in the shower. It’s such a heavenly feeling to me. (I will spare you a photo of me in the shower.)
An eagle drying its wings. I wonder if birds like showers?
  • March 14/22 – I love to read and I love getting lost in a good book that reels you in and makes you feel like you are in the story. I read every night before I go to sleep. I go to bed at 9 and I read until at least 9:20-9:30. It relaxes me before going to sleep. 
  • March 15/22 – Wordle, Canuckle (no longer available), Quordle, Wordle 2 and Crosswords. I love word puzzles. Wordle has taken social media by storm. It’s just a fun puzzle that I like to do each morning. Canuckle is the Canadian version and this one gives a fun fact after you solve the puzzle which is interesting. I always do the newspaper crossword puzzle while on the exercise bike after supper.  (Thankfully I have dozens saved from last summer as the newspaper is no longer delivered.) I’ll post a picture of another kind of puzzle I love to do, jigsaw puzzles.
Wooden butterfly jigsaw puzzle
  • March 16/22 – Covid Rapid Test. Well, I’m not sure this is a pleasure really, but the fact one can test for Covid at home is kind of pleasurable. I did my first rapid test today. The throat swab was first, obviously. The directions said ‘you might gag’. I only have read the word ‘gag’ and my gag reflex is activated. Rubbing the swab back and forth at the back of the throat certainly had me gagging. Then the nose swab, both sides. Instructions said ‘your eye may water’. By the time I was finished and waiting the 15 minutes for results I was gagging, sneezing, my eyes were watery and my nose was overflowing with snots. Sorry to be so descriptive. I was a mess. I needed a shower. Oh, did I tell you how much I love a shower? Yup, made me feel all better. And by the way, the test was negative. Always a relief to get a negative test, but I think I’d sooner have someone else drive the swab up my nose. 
I used a couple of these last weekend. I was negative. One of the few tests where a negative means a pass.
  • March 17/22 – On the drive home from work this evening, I met a car with a bright yellow vanity plate that said “BE HAPPY”. Yes, let’s all be happy and grateful. We have a choice to see the negative in things, or to find the positives in everything. So go forth and be happy, and see the glass half full, or maybe even full, or overflowing. This was a fun challenge. 
A smiling eagle.
Be happy, be grateful always.

How is your list of simple pleasures coming along? If you enjoyed this three part blog, leave a comment. Let me know what simple pleasures you enjoy.

Thank you for reading. Once again all pictures were taken my me.