Hair, some have it, some don’t. Apparently I was born with very light peach fuzz hair and didn’t really have much hair until I was about 18-24 months. I made up for lost time, as my hair grew in thick and was very long when I was growing up. Oh how I remember Mom braiding my hair or putting it up in ponytails. So often there would be those few strands that would be pulling and hurting, but I’d never say a word. Once out of sight I would pull and adjust those strands to make it less painful. It may not have looked as nice, but it felt better. Or when the bauble would slip and I’d get a jolt from it slamming into my head. Eeek.

My Dad loved long hair and wasn’t keen on me having it cut. Finally, when I was about 11 years old or so, he agreed, but only if my piano teacher would do the honours. Yup, that’s right, my piano teacher. Not a hairdresser, but a piano teacher. He thought the world of her and trusted she would do a good job. I guess she did since he never said anything about it.

Over the next few years my hair got shorter and shorter. It remained that way until 1988/89 when I let it grow slightly below my shoulders. It lasted a couple of years and then I cut it again and it kept it short until 2020 when Covid caused havoc. I had been debating letting it grow for a few years prior to Covid, but it would get to a point when it would drive me nuts and I’d have it cut again. But this time I got past that point and just let it keep growing. It’s been an interesting 5 years. It is quite long now, just about to the small of my back. Somedays I think I will have it cut but so far I haven’t. I have thought about donating it to make wigs for others and that remains a possibility when the time comes to have it cut.

Now, having long hair has it drawbacks or dangers. Some things that may or may not have happened to me are as follows:
- one must be very careful when dropping things on the floor in the bathroom, especially when landing very close to the toilet. Long hair has a mind of its own and it will suddenly swing forward, landing in the toilet.
- chewing gum and blowing bubbles, in the wind. Just when the bubble is at its fullest, a gust of wind comes and swings several strands of hair into the now collapsing bubble. Messy. Impossible to get the gum out of my hair and vice versa.
- power windows on a vehicle can be hazardous. One must be mindful of raising the window. Ever so conspicuously the window will reach out and grab some hair without you noticing. Then as you reach for something or turn your head, ouch, you realize your hair is caught in the window.
- brushing your teeth can be a challenge as well. Oh how there is nothing like the first big spit of foamy toothpaste. You just prep that spit and lean over and open up and voila, there’s your hair right in perfect line with that big spit. Like the hair in the toilet, this will likely happen when you are pressed for time and thus making you late for whatever you needed to be doing.
- zippers are another hazard. Jackets, vests, sweaters, sweatshirts, etc. with zippers up to the neck are the worst. And the worst is not when you initially zip up, but a few minutes later when you move your head and OUCH….yup, a lock of hair has been caught in the zipper. Similar situation to the power windows. You don’t’ realize it until you turn your head. One or two strands aren’t bad as they usually just let go, but anymore and you’ve got a tangled mess.
Yup, you are right. They have all happened way too many times to count. Well, maybe not my hair falling in the toilet. Once was enough for that one.

I’m still getting used to having long hair. I mostly have it in a ponytail but on occasion I’ll wear down. There seems to be more curl in it than I remember when I was young. It is very thick too. The cold dry air of the winter seems to play havoc, as it is sometimes very staticky and sticks out. It can also be fun, as many people have not recognized me because they aren’t used to seeing me with long hair. One person said he thought my ‘red’ hair was the most gorgeous he has ever seen. Hmm….I might have red highlights, mixed in with the grey, but my hair is far from red. So many laughable moments.

It’s been fun looking back through photos and seeing how my hair has come and gone and come again. Only 3 trims since March 2020. The last one was about 4″ though. The ends get split and icky and need to be cut off. I did feel kind of naked after that though. Overall I’m enjoying long hair. In the summer it does annoy me in the heat though. I might keep it long forever, or decide some morning when I get up that it’s time to get rid of it.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this hairy blog. It’s been a hair raising experience bringing it to you. To those who are follicly challenge, I apologize, as you’re missing out. To those who can, I challenge you to cut loose and ponytail up and let yours grow. I’m hair for you if you have any questions.
Hair – the only thing that can prevent baldness.
Hair today, gone tomorrow.
In closing, hair’s to you. Leave a comment if you wish.
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