Celebrating Little Things

Celebrating Little Things – Part 2

It’s Christmas Eve. We may or may not be where we want to be or with those with whom we have always shared this special occasion. We can choose to be sad, disappointed or angry, or we can choose to be content, make the best of things and find reasons to celebrate the little things.

  1. Eagles – I’m so lucky to hear and see these majestic birds daily. Many mornings they wake me up with their screechy calls and I love it.
  2. White birch trees – when I wake up and look out my bedroom window I see a grove of gorgeous white birch which I enjoy so much.
  3. A good book – there is something special about getting lost in a good book and forgetting all the trials and tribulations that may be taking place in the world.
  4. Birthday’s – I’m never disappointed when my birthday comes around. Yes, I’m getting older and I’m so lucky. Some people don’t get a chance to get older
  5. Cards – receiving that special card, in which the verse says so much.
  6. Fresh air – no explanation needed. It’s beautiful.
  7. Crisp mornings – nothing better than crisp clear fall days that gradually warm up in a few hours. Crispy winter mornings are nice too, but they don’t always warm up.
  8. Breezes through an open window – no better way to sleep than a cooling breeze blowing through my bedroom window.
  9. Snail mail letters – old fashioned hand written letters are so special to receive. I recently received one from my 87 year old cousin who lives in Oregon and another letter from my cousin in New Hampshire. Special, very special.
  10. Enough yarn – I was knitting a pair of socks with a very special yarn, when I realized I was running short. I didn’t knit the toes of the first sock, to make sure I’d have enough yarn to get to the same point on the second sock. BUT when I looked in my stash of sock yarn remnants, I surprisingly found just enough yarn, the same colour as I needed. Thank you Adam for gifting me your leftovers and having great taste in yarn.
  11. Gift of cookies – the three little girls from Lilac Farm arrived with their special Christmas gift of a bag of homemade cookies. They are so thoughtful and such precious kids.
  12. Girl Guide Mint Cookies – since we are on the topic of cookies, I love these. We have a few boxes in the freezer.
  13. The #13 & #4 – Dad’s favourite number was 4 and Mom’s favourite number is 13. I wore #4 playing softball and #13 playing hockey.
  14. Rainbows – a couple of days after the passing of a dear friend, I saw the most gorgeous rainbow ever. I know it was a sign. Thank you Alayne.
  15. Sweet Baby Jesus – Alayne had a way with bringing the Sweet Baby Jesus into her Facebook posts, her messages and in her conversations. When I was hanging pewter ornaments on my tree, I looked down to see which one I was holding first and it was the Sweet Baby Jesus. I just froze knowing it was another sign. Thank you again Alayne.
  16. Surprise visits – Anytime someone surprises you by dropping in at work or at home, but especially when you are needing it most. Thank you Team Ninja.
  17. Wildlife – Seeing both a fox and coyote in the past week makes me realize how beautiful the wildlife is where I live. I’m so lucky.
  18. Bows and Paper – finding the perfectly matched bow, in your stash, to match the paper. And having the paper line up perfectly when wrapping a gift. Ahhh….lovely.
  19. Making bread – especially making it on Christmas Eve, for breakfast on Christmas morning, and having it come out perfect.
  20. Laughing – yes, Part 1 ended with laughing and Part 2 is as well. Even if you are sad and feeling down, laughing feels so good. And nothing is better than laughing until you have tears rolling down your face. Oh my gosh, Lindt balls and lint balls caused the best laugh in a long time. How come not everyone can see the ‘d’ when I say “Lindt” balls?

From my house to yours, happy holidays. And remember to think of three little things you are happy to celebrate.


  1. Judy Kirby

    It’s so good to feel your positivity ring true in these posts, Hughena!
    I went to the ocean yesterday on my way to work. The sun shining over Signal Hill and the blessed glorious feel of the day had me overcome with gratitude and joy.
    Celebrate every memory, every blessing, every day! Happy Holidays!

  2. Judy Guptill

    I love this latest blog. There are so many things that make me happy. Admiring the beautiful white,, green,, blue and brown eggs we just bought from the girl down the road, looking at the rabbit tracks in the snow knowing that it’s managed to stay safe from the hawk nearby and having a pumpkin pie in the fridge with 4 pieces still left are just three things that come to mind…

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