Celebrating Little Things

The Disappearance of Kimberly McAndrew

Kimberly McAndrew’s Grad picture – submitted by Erin McAndrew

(Unfortunately “Celebrating Little Things” is the slogan I use for my blog site. This blog is not a celebration, nor it is a little thing. )

August 12, 1989 – a date forever etched in the memories of many people, none more so than the McAndrew family.  This date is the last known sighting of Kimberly McAndrew.  

The McAndrew Family moved to my community in the summer of 1976.  Audrey was a stay at home Mom, who’s smile would light up a room.  Cyril, originally from Ireland, was a respected member of the RCMP. He was the sergeant at the local detachment in Port Hawkesbury.  When we heard a new family was moving in, with 5 kids, our community was very excited.  There were five daughters; Heather, Erin, Carla, Kimberly and Megan.  A son, James, would arrive in July 1977.   They also had an Irish Setter named Seamus.  I was so happy to learn that Erin, the second oldest, was going into grade 6, and so was I.  We became friends while attending a two room school, South Mountain Elementary, before moving on for grades 7-12 at St. Peter’s District High.  Although life took over and we were not always in touch, we have remained friends, and thanks to Facebook we continue to be connected.  

Heather, Carla, Erin holding Kimberly - submitted by Erin McAndrew
Heather, Carla, Erin holding Kimberly – submitted by Erin McAndrew

I was home during the winter of 1984.  I enjoyed attending the high school hockey games and I would call Carla and Kimberly to see if they wanted to go to the games.  On a few occasions they came along.  They had a long driveway through an open field that they used during the winter.  The regular driveway banked in with so much snow, that it was difficult to keep open.  I would pick them up at the end of their driveway, and when we returned they would scamper through the field of snow, to their house.  I kept my headlights on the driveway until they were out of sight.  I remember being afraid they would fall, and get hurt, before getting home.

McAndrew’s home in Dundee
View from McAndrew’s house. The winter driveway was through this open field.

 In 1985 the McAndrew’s moved to Parrsboro. Audrey and the children went first, while Cyril stayed through the winter.  Cyril then transferred to Halifax, and commuted to Parrsboro to be with the family.  After a 33 year career, he retired in August 1989.  

n August 1989, Kimberly was a 19 year old Dalhousie University student.  She had a job at the Canadian Tire on Quinpool Road.  On August 12, she was working a shift at the Canadian Tire and looking forward to an evening out with her boyfriend, celebrating his birthday and attending the Buskers Festival.  Her boss let her leave at 4:20pm, instead of her usual time of 5pm.  She walked out the back door and has not been seen since.  Her boyfriend was to pick her up at work at 5pm but when he arrived, Kimberly was not there.  He would have driven the same route Kimberly would have taken on her walk home, but she was not seen.  She was also not at her apartment.  She had only the clothes she was wearing, and her blue bag that she used going back and forth to work, with her. 

Erin and Kimberly on Kimberly’s prom night – submitted by Erin McAndrew

Kimberly was born on January 17, 1970.  When she disappeared, she was 5’5” and 110lbs,  had very light brown/blonde hair and brown eyes.  She had braces on both her upper and lower teeth and she was very much looking forward to having them removed in a few days.  Her bank account has never been touched and she never returned to her apartment. 

Original cards given out after Kimberly’s disappearance – submitted by Erin McAndrew

I remember first hearing Kimberly disappeared while I was sipping a grapefruit pop at the local golf resort.  A friend asked me if I had heard the news.  I could not fathom that this had happened.  This beautiful family, that had been part of our community for several years, was now suffering an unimaginable situation.  How could this be?  I thought of the times I was afraid Carla and Kim would get hurt running through a field of snow, and now one of them was missing in Halifax.  How insignificant my worry had been.  I remember wanting to reach out to the family, but in those days there was no internet, or email.  I wasn’t even sure where they were.  In September, I was playing in a golf tournament in Parrsboro.  I had received their phone number from mutual friends, so I called, but I only reached a recording.  I don’t remember just what the recording said, but the end was something to the affect of ‘if this is you Kimberly, say something’.  I hung up.  I had no idea what to say.  I was nauseous .  And as disturbing as it was to me, what was the family going through.  

Early on there was a possible sighting in the hours after Kimberly had left work.  She was thought to have been seen at a flower shop in Penhorn Mall in Dartmouth.  This would have been totally out of character for Kimberly.  She was not the adventurous type and navigating from Quinpool Road to Penhorn Mall would have been quite an adventure for her to attempt on her own.  Besides, she had plans for the evening with her boyfriend, so she would likely not have gone to Dartmouth without telling him or some of her family.  

Remember, this was a time when surveillance cameras, cellphones, texting, and communicating were not as prevalent, or as easy, as today.  

There are two persons of interest.  One does not remember all the names of his victims and therefore doesn’t remember if he had anything to do with Kimberly’s disappearance.  An apartment was searched and pictures of Kimberly were displayed on the walls and a blue knapsack was found, but no charges were ever laid.  Over the years there have been searches carried out on various properties, some of which were Point Pleasant Park, Sir Sandford Fleming Lake, and Shad Bay but nothing ever turned up.  In 2002, remains were found along Highway 101, but it was determined they were not Kimberly’s. 

Tom Martin, a cold case expert and retired police detective, has been stumped by Kimberly’s disappearance. He is convinced whatever happened to her, happened in the parking lot of the Canadian Tire.  

A psychic was contacted, and spoken with, on several occasions, once with some of the family present.  Based on the psychic’s information, divers were used to search a lake, and grounds at Point Pleasant Park were searched, but unfortunately nothing was discovered.

Sadly Cyril McAndrew passed away in September 2004, never knowing what happened to his daughter.  He was obsessed with finding her, and pursued all possible tips.  Being a former RCMP officer, I can only assume it made it even more agonizing for him to not be able to solve this mystery.  He truly lived in hope and died in despair.  

In May 2019, I went to Ireland.  I contacted Erin to see where her father was from and told her where I was going on my trip.  She told me Cyril was from Glencastle, County Mayo. She said the closest town I’d probably see on a sign was Ballina.  I noticed a sign to Ballina while seated on the coach.  How I wished I could have asked our driver to stop for a second so I could take a picture.  But instead I focused my thoughts on Cyril and Kimberly.  Later that afternoon, after we had checked in to our hotel in Westport, I went for a walk around the town.  What do you suppose I found but a sign pointing to Ballina?  I took a picture and spent some time standing and looking at the sign and again thinking about Kimberly’s disappearance and how Cyril never knew what happened.

The street sign showing Ballina where I spent a few minutes thinking about Kimberly and Cyril McAndrew

Personally, whenever I hear that remains have been found, I secretly hope they are Kimberly’s, but then I feel a pang of guilt.  Of course I don’t wish Kimberly to be deceased.  I just wish something, or someone, would come forward to solve this missing person case.  Some people have said it would bring closure.  Seriously?  Closure?  I can’t imagine remains would bring closure.  It may start the process to finding out what happened, but I can’t imagine closure.  

Kimberly would be 51 now.  She’d be an aunt to her many nieces and nephews.  She would probably be a wife and a mom.  She’d likely be successful like her siblings.  She would be, and still is, a daughter and a sister, and an aunt, and a friend to many.  

In Dundee Kimberly has never been forgotten.  It is not unusual, whenever I see friends, that her name comes up in conversation.  Many of us still refer to the house they lived in as “McAndrew’s House”.  It will always be McAndrews House, as far as I’m concerned.  

McAndrew’s house in Dundee

You might ask what I hope this blog brings forth.  I don’t really know.  This past August there were no articles on Facebook about Kimberly’s disappearance.  There were no articles in the newspapers.  Missing people are missing.  They are not forgotten by family and friends.  They are very much in the present tense.  Their names and stories need to be talked about.  We need to keep their disappearance front and centre.  I’ll ask anyone who reads this to share it on Facebook, please.  Maybe someone, somewhere in this world, will read it and maybe it will trigger that all important clue to help bring Kimberly home.  No clue is insignificant, no matter how small you might think it might be.  Maybe the gutless, heartless person, or people, who played a role in Kimberly’s disappearance, will finally come forward with information.  This family has suffered long enough.  

This blog was written with permission from, and viewed by, the McAndrew Family prior to posting.  I would like to thank Audrey, Heather, Erin, Carla, Megan and James. 


  1. judy guptill

    What a sad story. I can’t imagine how family and friends cope with things like this. I’ve shared before the belief that as long as you say a person’s name aloud they remain alive. Talk about Kimberly. Mention her name in conversation. I will share this because someone out there must know something. Never give up hope. Never♡

  2. Jean pottie

    Omg I remember that like it was yesterday! I so wonder what in the name of God ever happened to her? That has really impacted my life bc people just don’t disappear?

  3. Sherri

    Being from Parrsboro originally I remember this well. Was sad when she went missing and is still sad to day my heart aches for the family. I hope one day this case will get solved

  4. Sandra

    I worked at Dalhousie in Student accounts where Kimberley had paid her 100$ Deposit to attend in the fall. I later sent the money back to her parents and called her mother to let her know she could use it later when she returned. Sad that after all these years nothing. How can these kids just disappear?

  5. Carol Ann Sampson

    I remember this story being on the news when we lived in New Brunswick. I now live in Nova Scotia and every time we drive past the Canadian Tire on Quinpool, or we are heading out of the city for home in the valley, she crosses my mind and I pray that answers are soon found. I never met her, but her disappearance has stayed with me all these years. I will continue to pray for her family.

  6. Maria

    Kimberly is my cousin, Cyril was my mum, Bernadette’s brother. I remember visiting the family in Halifax, Nova Scotia, while staying with my Aunt Helena in Boston. Aunt Angela from New York came too.
    The news was horrendous. I know Angela had posters made and put them around. One theory I heard was that a rogue “cop” (in uniform) in the parking lot,had seen her and offered her a lift home….. It is still extremely sad for us all and our family do still remember her.
    I went to Glencastle, where Cyril was born, twice already this year. The 2nd time was to inter the ashes of Aunt Angela, from NY, who sadly died in May. I hope, too, that someday the family may get the answers they have waited for, for so long.

    • Michelle Smit

      I’m so sorry; it’s 2024 and my own 16 year old daughter works at a Canadian Tire. I can’t even begin to imagine the anguish your family has endured; so tragic + heartbreaking. What a beautiful young lady Kimberly looks to be in photos. Much too young; I pray she’s found one day too for you and your family.

  7. Kristeen Eagan

    The Mcandrews hold a special place in my heart. Always have and always will. Cyril is my godfather…
    Shared. Beautiful piece, well done.

  8. Ann Marie Danch

    This piece is beautifully written. Cyril was also my godfather, he and my dad were Mounties and served together in several postings, the McAndrews moved to St.Peters area just after we left for Halifax again. As young children the girls were like family to us, and we were often together.
    I was living just a few blocks from Quinpool Rd when Kimberley disappeared. Neighbourhood walks for many years included watching for her among passersby.
    She is not forgotten, not are the family. The agony the McAndrews have endured all these years is so sad.
    Years ago, a group of us went to see a psychic. When she called me into her space, she froze. Her first words were Kimberley McAndrew has a connection to you, and I need to tell you some things. It was eerie to say the least. This was shortly before some of the local areas were searched. That stayed with me all these years, I hope for closure for all who knew her.

  9. Loring Day

    This a tragic like all missing persons. I was only young when this happened now I am almost 60. I think some one know some where what happened.

  10. Theresa,Perry and Troy Colpitts

    So sad I remember that day prayers are with the family we think of them often

  11. Charlett aulenback

    I remember this like it was yesterday and have often prayed for the family and friends.

  12. Debbie Donovan

    I worked with Erin at hospital in Glace Bay years ago. Fabulous RT & beautiful person. I think of Erin & her family so often. Such a devastating loss, I hope they are doing ok. Take care.

  13. Lynn Hayden

    I remember when Kimberly went missing , I remember thinking at the time how can a young lady just disappear like that and no one knows anything. How awful for her family and heartbreaking it must be to go through the unknown of what happened to her and then it October of that year it happened to our family . After being out on Thanksgiving weekend my brother Todd disappeared he was 21 . We searched everywhere, police were involved and we continuously came up empty. It was heartbreaking, every time we saw a car similar to his we would hope it was him , his banking was also not active from the day of his disappearance. To try and continue on with life’s everyday routine was so difficult as we never wanted him to feel we weren’t still searching for him because the truth is we were obsessed with finding what happened to him. After he was missing for a year we felt in our hearts he was no longer on this earth with us , but we still needed to be able to bring him home . The other most difficult part were the rumours and the horrendous stories that were circulating about what possibly may have happened to him . I have 11 siblings and even though we are a large family a piece of us was missing and our hearts were breaking . Finally in April of 1991 we found him . He was brought home to us . His spirit and his memory forever lives in our hearts , we speak of him often and he has nephews that have so many of his attributes , he would be so proud of them all . When a family member goes missing and you have so many questions and no answers it can eat away at your soul. When Todd was missing we never knew where he was , the unknown was the absolute worst feeling you can ever imagine. When he was found we still had so many unanswered questions and we always will , however we were able to bring him home to his final resting place . It wasn’t the outcome we wanted but we were able to have closure that he was no longer missing . I pray that the MacAndrew Family will have this peace fir Kimberly .

    • Joann George

      God Bless you & your family 🙏

  14. Cathy Carey

    If her photos and a blue knapsack were found in someone’s apartment, I suggest that the owner of the apartment is a serious suspect and should continue to be so.

    • Kitten

      …. I would think they would be the #1 suspect…. Names need to be posted….they walk amongst us and we have a right to know!

    • Jan

      I would be interested to know if the apartment was that of Andrew Paul Johnson?

  15. Carla Hacquoil

    Kimberly and her sister lived across the hall from my sister and I in Dartmouth. We only knew them enough to say hello. Their Dad visited sometimes, we use to see him. I still read all the news on Kimberly and pray someday the family can get the closure they need. Thinking of family and friends

  16. Jason Munt

    I remember that time quite well when she disappeared just a little over 34 years ago. It must be so frustrating to all involved in this case, and I feel so sad for them. I never new Kimberly, but my brother did. They were both in the same graduating class at Prince Andrew High School Dartmouth. The class of 1988. He remembers Kim as a quiet person who seemed very nice. I’ll always believe that Kim met with foul play the moment she stepped out that back door into the parking lot. I also believe she was randomly chosen by the culprit(s) because she was young and pretty. It’s entirely possible that the culprit(s) could have cased inside the Canadian Tire and other stores in the complex before making their move. Did the culprit(s) engage in conversation with Kim while inside the store before the crime? Was there store surveillance of her having a long conversation with any of the public? I really hope that she’s found some day. Her family and friends deserve a proper closing to this bafughling mystery.

  17. Yvonne mackay

    I will always remember the day we heard of Kimberly’s disappearance… I still quit often think about her and her family. We can only hope they find her to get some closure on where she is for her family and friends.

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