Celebrating Little Things

My Experience With Covid Part 3

Happy Place today, April 16, 2022

Day 4 Saturday April 16/22 – I’m not going to be fooled today, into thinking I might be better, because I’m not. I had hoped for some improvement this morning, but now I’m getting discouraged. However, it is only day 4. I have 4 days left before FREEDOM and I feel I have a long way to go. I know, I have to be symptom free, with no fever, for 24 hours prior. 

I know I’ve been running a fever the past few days as I’ve had chills from time to time. During the night I woke up drenched, so I’m hoping that is a good sign that maybe my fever broke. My throat is still terribly sore. It’s a weird soreness too. I’ve had strep throat many times in the past, but not for about 4 years. With strep throat it feels like knives scraping down the sides of your throat every time you swallow, often much worse at night. The sore throat I have with this is so different. I can only describe it as an arc at the back of the throat from side to side. Yup, that sounds crazy but that’s how it feels. I can literally feel the arc shape when I swallow. Very weird. My core remains sore but I’m sure that is from coughing. I still don’t seem to have much congestion in my chest, so I’m thankful for that. However, the crap coming out of my nose is grotesque and I won’t go into details. 

I’ve been up since 7am, and it is now 9am, and still don’t feel like I need a nap. Considering I was in bed at 8:30 last night, I shouldn’t need a nap. But will lie down, just to rest. The sun is shining and there is a slight breeze. The temperatures are due to soar, possibly reaching 15C. I might even venture out on the deck for a few minutes of fresh air. Something to look forward to. 

I’ve been thinking of all the people who had the early virus. It must have been terrible, before vaccines were rolled out. I’m thankful to have had my two shots and booster. 

On a happier note, no pun intended, I picked up my fiddle and played a couple of tunes this morning. That made me feel good. But I soon found myself lying down again. As I laid there I wished I wrote music, but I don’t. If I did, I thought how I would write a tune about having Covid. It couldn’t be a jig or a reel, as they are happier tunes, dancing tunes, and believe me one does not feel much like dancing with Covid. I don’t think a waltz would be a fit either. A waltz is a close dance, with another person, and one needs to keep their distance. A strathspey wouldn’t work as that is a short-long, accented, Scottish snap type tune, and just wouldn’t work. A march? Possibly. Perhaps a title could be March to My Death Bed or March to My Recovery, depending on what the final outcome would be. But I’m leaning more towards a lament. Niel Gow was the lament king, so something along those lines. I could call it simply Lament for My Journey with Covid. But I don’t write music, so there it ends, but it passed the time for a while.

I did spend 45 minutes outside on the deck. Initially there was cloud cover, but when the sun burst through the clouds the warmth was very welcoming on my face. I sipped my coffee and ate a piece of Mom’s delicious banana loaf, while listening to the wind chimes tinkling, chickadees and juncos chirping, the trees rustling, the flag flapping and the leaves blowing across the driveway. I took a ton of deep breaths, filling my lungs with beautiful fresh air. I walked over to Happy Place because, well, it just makes me happy. And I enjoyed seeing some of the crocus’s in bloom. 

I am now past the half way point of isolation, which was between 1-2pm this afternoon. I hope I have reached the peak of symptoms and will start to feel better. I do feel I’m making some progress, but I’m afraid to get my hopes up. No fever today, so that is a good sign. I think my throat is better, but far from good. I was hoping to have a shower today, but didn’t really have the energy. That’s my goal for tomorrow.

Oddly, after one of my vaccines, I remember having an enhanced sense of smell. This morning while I was resting upstairs, I could smell the soup bone Mom was cooking. When I came down for lunch I asked her what was in with the soup bone and she said just onion, bay leaf, salt and pepper. It was just an amazingly pleasant aroma, one I have smelled many times before but seemed so strong today. I had the same experience yesterday when she made banana loaf. I know…another weird observation. 

Happy Easter, from Camp Covid, too all who read this. Be well, be safe. 


  1. Cathy Cooper

    Happy Easter to Camp Covid from Camp Coo Coo!
    Wishing you recovery each day. 💗🙏🤓

  2. Holly MacIntosh

    Thanks for your Covid updates. It sure sounds rotten. But you are so right, imagine how bad it would be without the vaccine. I hope tomorrow when you wake up on Easter Sunday, you’ll feel much better. 😊

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