Celebrating Little Things

My Experience With Covid Part 4

Chocolate eggs in my Island Crystal bowl

Day 5 Sunday April 17/22 – Feeling better this morning. My throat is still a bit sore, but it seems to be going away. I had two coughing fits through the night, one lasting almost an hour. That damn feather was back, tickling my throat, and I could not get it to go away. My goal today was to have a shower and I succeeded. I had it immediately after getting up, fearing my energy would suddenly leave. Then I did a couple of chores and broke out into a sweat. I decided it was time for breakfast, so I had some toast and coffee. My plan is not to have a nap. 

It is dreary and dark, with possible showers to come. I’ll have to put some bright pictures in this post to cheer it up a bit. 

Cousin Norma’s Daffodils. Her birthday would be today. Missing and thinking of her, a lot, all day.

So much for not napping. Around 10am I decided to just rest my eyes for a few minutes. The next thing I knew Mom was calling me for lunch at noontime. I was sound asleep. I had a large bowl of her delicious homemade beef soup. It just hit the spot today. After lunch I went back to my bed to play some word games on my iPad. After a half hour or so, I just laid there and again fell sleep for another hour. It’s ridiculous. But as my great friend Judy says ‘when you are sleeping, your body is resting and healing’. So true. 

Cedar Waxwing

As I was eating my lunch, the skies began to clear, after heavy showers this morning. Soon there was much more blue sky than grey, and the sun came out. It turned out to be a lovely day, with higher than expected temperatures, which I should have taken advantage of by spending some time outside. But I stayed indoors. My goal for tomorrow, providing it is dry, will be to take an extended walk around the yard. Baby steps.

Hope springs eternal.

I spent some time perusing through these two books this afternoon. They have been on the bookshelf forever. I re-read such classics as A E Housman’s “When I Was One and Twenty”, Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” and John McCrae’s “In Flanders Fields”. I’ll have to spend more time with these, as there are lots of great works in them.

Prose and Poetry books

All in all, a positive day. This post is shorter, so I’m feeling I’m on the better side of this virus, as there isn’t quite as much to report. I’m still receiving messages and phone calls which is so amazing. Thank you to all. Two more days to freedom. 

Damsel Fly – love the intricacy of their wings

Be well, be safe and don’t let your guard/mask down.

Sunflowers for Urkaine
From Cape Breton, Canada with love.


  1. Holly

    Yay! So glad to hear you are feeling better! Happy Easter to you and your darling mom. ❤️

  2. judy guptill

    So glad you’re finally feeling better. The fatigue you’re feeling is how I felt for 3 months when I had pneumonia. Eventually you do need to push yourself a bit to do something but don’t be disappointed if you don’t succeed the first or second or……fifth time. It will happen. As you said…baby steps. The photos are beautiful.

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