Celebrating Little Things

My Experience With Covid Part 5

At the Tree for Boston, Balmoral, Cape Breton 2020.

Day 6 Monday April 18/22 – It’s Patriots Day and Boston Marathon Day. It’s also a day of reflection for Nova Scotia, on the anniversary of the horrific tragedy that was taking place 2 years ago. Mom and I chose to wear our Boston Strong tee shirts today. They were given to us by my cousin Norma, who’s birthday would have been yesterday and who passed away two years ago tomorrow. I spent a lot of time reflecting on people and events today. The above picture is taken a couple of years ago. 

I’m feeling good. I slept quite late for me, almost 9am. I stripped my bed and made it up fresh, exchanged much of my winter/summer clothes, put away hats, mitts, scarves, etc. and brought out my summer head attire. I went for a walk this morning and found pussy willows and a CD (not my genre). I puttered about in the house, but I did not have a rest. I’m weaning myself off for my return to work on Wednesday. 

Pussy willows
Tim McGraw CD

On a downer, as of 4pm this afternoon Mom tested positive. My worst fear came true. I was so in hopes she would avoid it, but it’s hard, even though we kept our distance. I’m angry, upset, concerned, worried, and of course, I feel responsible. Now my next hope is that her symptoms will be mild. I hope she doesn’t get all that I had. She’s tough, and stubborn, and she continued to say ‘I feel fine’. She sounded nasally to me today and she finally agreed to do a rapid test, only if I helped her. Let me tell you, thank goodness I’m not administering these tests. She didn’t want to do the throat swab herself, because she feared she would vomit, so she asked me to do it. ME!!! OMG!!! I couldn’t get her to keep her tongue out of the way and I was scared to death to hurt her. Thankfully she did her nostrils herself. Ick. We actually laughed through the process, between her fits of gagging and sneezing. Like my rapid test, hers instantly showed two lines. She is now in isolation until next Monday afternoon. On a positive note, we don’t have to isolate anymore. I have to find the positive amongst the negative.

I put a sign on the door. 

This will be my last report for My Experience With Covid. There isn’t much more to report. I hope you enjoyed reading it, and if you find yourself with Covid, and similar symptoms, maybe it will help you. Everyone responds differently, so I suppose no one will have the same experience I had. If anyone is positive and would like to reach out to ask questions, feel free, but I can only answer based on my situation. 

Be well, be safe and for goodness sake, keep masking


  1. Judy Guptill

    Your Mom is of good stock. She’s strong and I have a feeling she’ll be fine.
    “Silver Linings”…you can now do puzzles together, watch TV and eat together 🙂
    Did you eat some chocolate eggs?
    PS…Tim Mcgraw isn’t bad…lol
    Now for heaven’s sake..try to stay out of trouble you two!

  2. Holly

    I am so, so sorry to hear your mom caught it, but with it being so contagious, it’s hard to avoid. I hope she breezes through it. Please give her my love and tell her I am thinking of her. Very happy to hear you are feeling better.

  3. Cathy Cooper

    So glad that you are feeling better Hughena! But sorry to hear about your Mom.
    I feel that it will get us all at some point.
    We are thinking of you both and fingers crossed for a ‘mild’ run for your Mom.

  4. Crystal

    Always love reading your blogs . I hope Enid doesn’t have too hard a journey with covid. Seems like everyone is having different symptoms and all at different degrees . Your mom is very strong so I hope she sails right through with very little trouble. Please tell her that I’m thinking of her and she will be in my prayers.🙏❤

  5. Maggie

    Prayers for your mom Hughena. In some ways it was good you had it first so that you know what to look out for. Take care. Thinking of her.

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