Celebrating Little Things

Category: Travel (Page 2 of 3)

Ireland 2023 Part 4

May 22 – Day 5 Ring of Kerry 

The Ring of Kerry is one of the places on this trip that I visited with my Grandmother. I was driving on the trip with her, so I was very much looking forward to sitting back and letting Dennis do the driving. I don’t think I’d drive in Ireland again. There is much more traffic now than there was almost 40 years ago.

Driving is not for the faint of heart in Ireland. It is not uncommon on the narrower roads to see side mirrors along the edge. Often times there is no shoulder in which to pull off.

The Ring of Kerry, 179km’s, is one of the most scenic drives in Europe and today it did not disappoint. We were blessed with sunshine all day. This route has it all; amazing scenery, rolling hills and rugged mountains, coastline, lakes, beacahes, bleating sheep, grazing cows, narrow winding roads and every turn is breathtaking. We circled the MacGillycuddy Reeks We travelled the coastline of the Iveragh Peninsula through the towns of Glenbeigh, Cahirciveen, Waterville and Sneem. Sneem provided me with my second 99. Yum. Gorgeous greens everywhere and the views from the various pull off stops were amazing. We stopped to have lunch and one sign said ‘the best view in Ireland, weather permitting’. We had no worries today as the weather obliged. We stopped at Kate Kearney’s pub for supper. It was another delicious meal. After supper the guys treated us to another session before we headed back to our hotel in Killarney. 

One of the roadside stops found this gentleman, and his pets, making Brigid’s Cross out of straw or rushes. Love the dog sitting on the donkey.
Eamon O’Doherty sculpture of four monks, on of them being St. Brendan, in a boat held up by 8 oars. It represents the monks voyage to the monastery at Skellig Michael.
Remains of a house or fort.
You can see another ringed fort in this picture.
Deenish and Scariff Islands
Statue of the Virgin Mary at the peak of Beenarourke overlooking the Ballinskelligs Bay.
Love this sign; Fog Permitting.
Lunch stop
Cream of vegetable soup, which seems to be a staple in Ireland, and yummy bread and butter, and sparkling water.
I agree, the views are spectacular fog permitting. We had such great weather.
Kevin and Brian, two of the three music-a-teers, holding up the sign.
Com An Chiste.
Yes, there are lovely beaches in Ireland. Beautiful sandy beaches.
The River Sneem
Ladies View – one of the most photographed views in Ireland. Named for the admiration of Queen Victoria’s ladies in waiting during her visit to Ireland in 1861.
Ladies View – overlooking the Lakes of Killarney. The three lakes are Loch Leane, Muckross (sometimes called the middle lake) and Upper Lake.
A visit to Kate Kearney’s cottage where we’d have supper and another musical session.
Roast turkey, ham and all the trimmings.
Capped off by some great music. Sheesh, how lucky are these three to be travelling with us.

I walked around Killarney after we got back to our hotel. I visited a church. For someone who is not religious, but maybe spiritual, I do enjoy finding churches and spending time in them. It was a nice quiet evening spent walking and losing my thoughts about how lucky I am to be in Ireland. 

I’ll take you for my evening walk around Killarney
Carved from an oak tree. The piece includes a monk, crozier, quill and a book representing the Annals of Inisfallen compiled in and around 1092 on the monastic island of Inisfallen on Killarney’s Lough Leane.” From the Killarney Fansicans Facebook Site.
St. Mary’s Church of Ireland
St Mary’s
Inside St. Mary’s
Stained glass window inside St. Mary’s
Stained glass inside St. Mary’s
Ceiling inside St. Mary’s
Pipe organ in St. Mary’s
The pipes are so pretty.
Plants grow out of the stone walls.
The Franciscan Friary
Explanation of……
Methodist church
Laburnum tree – the amount of blossoms is stunning.
Monument erected by Mary McAleese in memory of those from Killarney who served and died in WW1.
Things that make me laugh. ‘ish’ time in Ireland is common.
It appears it was neither day or night when I was out walking. Just what was it?
Ralph, who wasn’t much of a guard dog in the shop. He never woke up when I was there.
The bridge players; Suzanne, Mary, Stephen and Bryce. They were kind enough to let me watch and even let me play two demo hands with them.

So that is a wrap on Killarney. We will head for Dungarvan tomorrow with some adventures along the way. I hope you are enjoying my tour. I’m reliving it as I go through the pictures and remembering so many things. Leave a comment if you wish. All photos are taken by myself unless otherwise noted. Many of these that have no captions were taken along the Ring of Kerry. Truly a beautiful route.

Ireland 2023 Part 3

May 21, 2023 – Day 4 Galway to Killarney 

Accommodations: International Hotel, Killarney

Through the bus window, so not as clear as I’d like.

Today we travelled through the Burren in County Clare. The Burren is 135 miles of limestone landscape. It was shaped by geological forces hundreds of millions of years ago. Alpine and Arctic plants thrive beside Mediterranean plants due to the temperate climate. Over 70% of Ireland’s species of flowers are found in the Burren. 

On our way to our first guided tour we passed the Poulnabrone Dolmen. There are several dolmens in the Burren. Dolmens are standing stones and may have been a burial/tomb site and/or a territorial marker. They were placed 3,000-4,000 years ago and some stones weigh in excess of 2500lb. Many remains were discovered between 1986-88. It appears the Neolithic people had short life spans with only one person being older than 40, of the remains that were found. There were many artifacts buried with the remains such as jewelry, stone axes, arrowheads and pottery among other things. There was evidence of arthritis in the necks and shoulders of many of the people, and their teeth showed possibly malnutrition or infections. 

Closer view

Our first stop is at Caherconnell Fort where we had a guided tour of the fort and then were treated to an amazing display of working sheepdogs. 

Caherconnell Fort home and gift shop.

Caherconnell Fort is one of the best preserved stone forts in the Burren. It was built in the 10th Century AD and remained in use through the start of the 17th Century. A lovely lady took us on a guided tour explaining the various areas, when additions occurred, and the many artifacts which have been excavated. The stone wall was built in 900AD and are still standing. The ringed are measures 42 metres. The walls are 3 metres thick and up to 3 metres high. The family, which would have lived within the ringed area, could have upwards of 30 members. Servants and slaves would live outside the ring. There is evidence that very little trading took place between those within the ring and those living outside the ring. However there is evidence that the servants and slaves traded with the outsiders. Some of the artifacts discovered outside the ringed area are glass from Venice and amber from the Baltic. Other discoveries are jewelry, board game pieces, musical instruments and the earliest pen found in the British Isles. These finds indicate a high class settlement, cultured and literate. The government has archeologists come in to work every summer. The work is carried out in a cordoned area and the must stay within the confines. 

Information on the stone wall and the archaeological work done by students.

“This wall was a built in 2006. Stones are placed vertically to prevent damage by winds. This type of wall is still widely practiced in the Burren.”

“The detailed information on the fort is the result of the efforts of over 200 archaeology students under the guidance of Dr. Michelle Comber, School of Archaeology at the National University of Ireland in Galway. They have worked tirelessly since 2007 to illuminate the Caherconnell story and provide a fascinating insight into the life in an ancient fort over 1000 years ago.”

Stone wall
They were left undisturbed during fort construction.

The next event we experienced was a sheepdog demonstration. The skills of the sheepdog and the master are amazing. I had seen a demonstration on my last trip that was truly impressive. Only female dogs are used as male dogs tend to be less attentive and seem to have selective hearing. (Sound familiar ladies?) This demonstration would use 4 dogs; Rose, Jess, Lynn and one I can’t remember. First the master used just one dog to herd the sheep. Each dog has a unique whistle for left, right, stay, come and away. So a dog will know at least 5 whistles. Whistles are used instead of voice commands because often when herding sheep from the mountains they are out of vocal range. The dogs love to work and are eager to get going. Each dog performed very well. At the end the master worked all four dogs at the same time. So….although each dog may know 5 whistles, the master would have to know 20 unique whistles, as no two dogs work using the same whistle. It is mind boggling how he can remember each whistle for each dog and how he wants them to herd the sheep. Truly brilliant on both the dogs part and the masters part. 

Look at that face.
Camera shy
John Davoren – the sheepdog whisperer
Eager to get going.
Guarding the sheep after taking them around a course.
The eyes are the dog are feared by the sheep. “Don’t you move”, she says with her eyes.
Well done ladies.
I guess I don’t get out much. This is a faucet and hand dryer all in one. Loved it.

It was then onward to the Cliffs of Moher. They are not the highest cliffs in Ireland but they are the most popular. I actually saw the highest cliffs, Slieve League Cliffs, on my tour in 2019. The Cliffs rise to a height of over 700ft at O’Brien’s Tower and run along the coast of Clare for 14kms, 8 miles. They were formed over 320 million years ago and are home to major colonies of nesting sea-birds. I was really looking forward to the Cliffs of Moher, but also feeling a bit of emotions as we got closer. In 1986 Grandma and I had wanted to see the Cliffs of Moher but we ran out of time. It was our only disappointment with our trip, that we didn’t have the time.

Our weather had been cloudy and overcast for the first couple of days, but as we arrived at the Cliffs of Moher the skies brightened and although hazy, the sun was trying hard to come out. When we arrived the parking lot was quite full with coaches and cars indicating there were a couple of thousand people visiting the cliffs. You have a choice to go to the left, or to the right and Krista and I choice to go to the right. It is a bit of a climb up many stairs and paved paths. An 8 person golf cart also runs up and down continuously but we chose to walk. My first glimpse of the Cliffs was amazing, and a bit emotional. I won’t lie, my throat had a huge lump and my eyes were watery. I was so special to finally see them. I took a picture of Grandma in my knapsack and after walking about for a bit, I pulled it out and snapped a couple of pictures of her picture and the Cliffs in the background. I felt her presence with me. 

Leaving the parking area towards the Cliffs of Moher. You can see many coaches in the background.
My first glimpse. I was a little choked up.
I took this picture of Grandma with me. Special moment.
Cliffs of Moher – a bit hazy
Picture taken by Krista Blyth.

Krista and I explored O’Brien’s Tower was built in 1835 by Sir Cornelius O’Brien as an observation point for the many English tourists. Another version is that he built it to impress the many women he was courting. The views from the top are somewhat obstructed by the turrets and it was quite difficult to get good pictures with the amount of people who were there. I did stretch out as far as I could to get some photos including some of the Aran Islands. We continued to walk along the Cliffs for quite a distance before turning back. Krista ventured up the left hand side of the Cliffs while I made my way back to grab a quick bite to eat and my first 99. Yum!

O’Brien’s Tower
Stairs to the top of O’Brien’s Tower
View from the top of O’Brien’s Tower.
View from the top of O’Brien’s Tower
Aran Islands from the top of O’Brien’s Tower.
View as we walked beyond O’Brien’s Tower along a path.
View as we walked along a path after O’Brien’s Tower.
Looking at the shore from the path at the Cliffs of Moher
This is a 99. Soft serve with a Flakey. OMG….Delicious.

We left the Cliffs of Moher to continue to our destination of Killarney about an hour away. We crossed an estuary of the River Shannon by ferry, about a 20 minute crossing, arriving in the Kingdom of Kerry. Dennis, our driver is from Kerry, and he was sure to let us know it is known as the Kingdom. 

Passing another ferry as we crossed the River Shannon
View from the ferry.
Lots of wind power in Ireland.

We had a group supper at our hotel this evening and another musical session by our wonderful hosts; Kevin Evans, Brian Doherty and Tom Sweeney. Gabriel Donahue also stopped in for a few songs. I ended my night soaking in a jacuzzi tub for a half hour. Heavnely. 

Another group meal menu. I had soup, roast of the day (turkey and ham) and Pavlova.
Gabriel Donahue joined Kevin, Brian and Tom for a few songs.
Heavenly soak in the tub tonight.

One thing I have been noticing on our travels is the abundance of yellow flowers. Besides the Gorse that is in bloom everywhere, there are lots of yellow lilies along the roadway and yellow roses are in abundance with very large blossoms and so many blossoms. There is also a beautiful tree that has large hanging yellow blossoms. It is called Laburnum and sometimes called Golden Chain. I learned that every part of the tree; trunk, bark, leaves and blossoms are poisonous. 

Yellow Iris – although taken at the Kylemore Abbey, these grow wild in the ditches of the highways.
Lots and lots of yellow roses. Sometimes hundreds on a bush. Red ones don’t seem as common, much smaller and with many less blooms.
So pretty.
Lots of gorse on the hills and mountains. Sheep don’t eat it, but mountain goats will. It is very thorny.
Laburnum Tree
Laburnum – I think this is gorgeous.
Different type of Iris

I hope you enjoyed the third post of my trip. All photos taken by myself unless otherwise noted. Enjoy and leave a comment if you wish.

Ireland 2023 Part 2

May 20, 2023 – Day 3 Connemara

Taken at Kylemore Abbey

It was overcast as we drove through the Connemara region to the Kylemore Abbey. I had visited Kylemore Abbey on my trip in 2019. On that trip I spent most of the time at the gardens and therefore didn’t have time to tour the actual Abbey. On this trip I took the shuttle out to the gardens, saving about 30 minutes. Although the walk is gorgeous, I knew I wanted to do more on this visit. Kylemore Abbey is home to the Benedictine Nuns. The grounds include a restored abbey, Gothic church, craft shop, restaurant and walled garden. It was initially built as a castle in 1868. The property was purchased by Mitchell Henry as a love token for his wife Margaret. They developed the estate and spent 35 years at Kylemore Abbey. Henry sold the property to the Duke of Manchester, William Angus Drogo Montague, and his wife Duchess of Manchester, Helena Zimmerman. They made major changes, removing much of the Italian inspired interiors, large stained glass window, and large quantities of Connemara and Italian marble. The Benedictine Nuns took up residence in 1920 and still reside in Kylemore Abbey. From 1923 to 2010 there was a boarding and day school for international and local girls. 

Kylemore Abbey

The Victorian Walled Garden is 6 acres. There are two distinct gardens; the Kitchen Garden and the Flower Garden. The garden was built on the warmest and brightest spot on the estate. There is good drainage and a mountain stream provided water. Two glasshouses, the head gardener’s house and the workman’s bothy have been restored. 

Within the walled gardens at Kylemore Abbey
Gardener’s cottage – Kylmore Abbey
Poppies the size of dinner plates.
Snail on a pretty leaf.

In addition there are meandering paths through fields, meadows and woodlands. You can see waterfalls, as many as 24 species of trees, Connemara ponies, Ken and Gloria ( the resident pigs – I’m glad they didn’t call Gloria, Barbie), chocolate kitchen where the Benedictine nuns make delicious chocolate, Gothic Church built by Mitchell Henry in memory of his wife Margaret, Mausoleum where Margaret and Mitchell Henry rest together. I love visiting Kylemore Abbey. I’d suggest at least 3-4 hours to be able to make the most of a visit and not feel too rushed. 

The Abbey
Inside the Abbey
Gothic Church
Inside the Gothic church
Inside the Gothic church
Marble pillars.
Gothic church

Four years ago the mountain was amass of rhododendrons in bloom. This year I noticed that the rhododendrons were not as advanced, nor were the gardens, but still a gorgeous place to visit. So much to see and do.

It was suggested by our driver, Dennis, to have the apple pie and warm custard. I did. WOW!!! I’m not much for apple pie but quite possibly the best I’ve ever had. Perhaps the warm custard made it so. Delicious. 

Alway listen to Dennis. WOW!!!

We drove around the Killary Fjord which provided breathtaking views. 

We had light showers this afternoon and heavy rain in the evening. We were on free time and all I did was find a pub for some supper. 

Krista and Laura in the rain.

A slight crisis this evening as I inadvertently locked my keys in my suitcase and locked the suitcase. Don’t ask how or why, it happened. The first porter broke the cutters he was using. He told me he’d be back with a stronger person. He returned with a second guy but had no luck with larger cutters and a strong set of hands. They decided they would go to the kitchen and borrow a saw but I’d have to wait until the kitchen closed around 9:30. I posted on Facebook about my dilemma and received a few suggestions to Google it. I did and what do you know? Yes, Google and I are now best friends. If it ever happens to you just take a blunt pen, stick it between the zipper teeth and the zipper will pop open. I tried doing this on a secondary zipper first and it worked and I was able to re-zip the zipper. I quickly went to the reception desk to cancel the porters, and the saw. 

An old Woolco lock that proved to be very strong.
First set of cutters broke. Onto the second set. Two very nice porters tried to help.

A wonderful day and even the rain didn’t dampen our spirits. I hope you enjoy travelling with me on this trip. Please leave a comment if you like. All photos taken by myself unless otherwise noted.

Ireland 2023 Part 1

Ireland 2023

May 18-19, 2023 – Travel Day 1 & Day 2 – Dundee to Halifax to Toronto to Dublin to Galway

Accommodations: Park House Hotel, Galway

Travelled twice with Brack and believe me, you will never have a worry.

After three postponements, the second leg of the Ireland trip was a go. I travelled to Ireland in 2019 with Brack Tours. The second part of the trip was to take place in 2020, but Covid raised its ugly head and prevented the trip from happening until 2023.

As departure day approached, many people reached out to wish me a wonderful trip and to ask if I was excited. I was more anxious than excited, as I felt at the last minute something would occur, and the trip would not happen. 

Day 1 – On May 18 I left home at noontime for the three hour trip to Halifax Airport. I left the car at the Park N Fly and it was not until I was inside the airport that I allowed myself to finally become excited. It was indeed going to happen. I met up with Laura, my roommate on the first trip, and her daughter, Krista, just after arriving at the airport. It was so nice to see Laura and meet Krista. Unfortunately it was not a direct flight this time, as it had been in 2019. I was travelling Air Canada, departing Halifax at 6pm bound for Toronto. I have never had much luck travelling with Air Canada, so I was assuming missed connections and/or lost luggage. 

We checked in and then waited for a couple of hours before boarding and departing for Toronto. We arrived in Toronto at 7:34pm and had about 1.5 hours before boarding and departing for Dublin. We departed Toronto at 9:05pm arriving in Dublin at 8:15am. My luggage arrived and the flights were fine, which says a lot for someone who really doesn’t like flying, and clearing customs was easy. Several people were returning from the 2019 trip. We met up with others who had flown in from various parts of the US and Canada. At last my feet were on Irish soil once again. My heart was truly happy. 

Dublin Airport

Day 2 – We are off and running. Our first stop was Tyrrellspass for breakfast at The Village Hotel Browne’s on the Green. It would be the first of several Irish breakfasts. Breakfast is one of my favourite things when travelling.

Browne’s on the Green
Browne’s on the Green breakfast stop.
St. Sinian’s Church in Tyrellspass

Our next stop was Athlone Castle in Athlone. The Castle dates back to the 12th century. It was built for King John by his Irish representative, Bishop John de Gray of Norwich.  It was built on the River Shannon and was strategically placed to provide a bridgehead to assist with the Norman evasion into Connaught. It reopened in 2020 after a multimillion euro renovation as a visitor centre. 

Colourful river boat
Athlone Castle sign
Athlone Castle
Church of St. Peter and St. Paul – Athlone
A happy busker

From the Athlone Castle we had a very short walk to the oldest pub in Ireland, Sean’s Bar where we were treated to an Irish Coffee. Timmy Donovan ,of Sean’s Bar, gave a talk on the history of the bar, whiskey, moonshine, etc. Timmy was a wealth of information and very entertaining.  As Dennis (bus driver/tour guide) said, ‘Timmy doesn’t let a lie get in the way of a good story’.

Sean’s Bar
In the window of Sean’s Bar
Sean’s Bar – oldest pub in Ireland
Timmy Donovan, master storyteller, and Dennis Carrol, driver/tour guide extraordinaire.
Letter from Guinness World Records recognizing the pub as the oldest in Ireland.
Certificate from Guinness World Records

Once we left Athlone we made our way to Galway, our stop for the next two nights at the Park House Hotel, Galway. We had a welcome reception to meet and greet one another, a beautiful supper, before our first, of several evenings of entertainment by Evans and Doherty and Tom Sweeney.

A sample of our group meal. I had Iced Galia Melon & Seasonal Fruits with Raspberry Coulis, Stir Fry Beef Park House with Basmati Rice (and a side of mashed potatoes which is part of the meal) and Fresh Fruit Pavlova. My first time having Pavlova….I love it.

We were all exhausted by the end of the night. I had gone 37 hours with very little sleep, only dozing briefly on the flight from Toronto to Dublin. If I do a tour like this again, I’d fly in the day before and join the tour the following morning. 

Our first musical session. Yes, I was pretty much under the table at this point. Exhausted.

This is the first of 8, maybe 9, posts about my trip to Ireland. Please leave a comment if you wish. Comments are fun and make the blogging worthwhile. If you have any questions, please ask. All photos taken by myself unless otherwise noted.

Slieve League Cliffs

Slieve League Cliffs

When I received the itinerary for my trip to Ireland in May 2019, and noticed we’d be visiting Slieve League Cliffs, I was very intrigued.  One of the destinations my Grandma and I wanted to see, when we travelled to Ireland in May 1986, was the Cliffs of Moher, but time and circumstances didn’t allow us that excursion.  I don’t believe we were all that disappointed, because the rest of our trip was so phenomenal.  However, over the years I wished we had been able to visit the Cliffs of Moher.  This trip was allowing me to see cliffs, and although they weren’t the Cliffs of Moher, I somehow felt it would be a highlight.  

I googled Slieve League Cliffs and quickly found out they are actually some of the highest cliffs in Ireland and almost three times the height of the Cliffs of Moher.  This was going to be a treat. For personal reasons, I was secretly excited for this day.  In my day travel bag I placed my Grandmother’s photo, which I had carried with me to Ireland.  It was a photo of her, on the plane, as we travelled back from Ireland in 1986. I didn’t want her to miss out on the cliffs again.  

Grandma – taken on May 19, 1986 on our flight home from Ireland. She’s wearing an aran sweater my Mom knit.

We arrive at the visitor information centre, at the base of Slieve League Cliffs.  Inside the centre  are two stunning wood carvings.  Each one is has at least four dolphins, in various poses, from swimming to surfacing from the water.  They carvings appeared to be from one solid piece of wood. 

Wood carving in visitor centre at Slieve League.

Outside some columbine appeared to be growing wildly in a lovely shade of bluish purple.

Columbine at Slieve League Cliffs visitor centre.
Columbine at Slieve League Cliffs visitor centre.
Window box at the Slieve League Cliffs visitor centre.

Our large coach can’t make the trek to the upper parking area, so we park and travel on a smaller bus accompanied by two local gentlemen; one is the driver and the other provides commentary as we drive to the cliffs.  

Narrow roadway leading to the parking area at the base of Slieve League Cliffs.

After a quick visit in the centre, we are soon on our way up the very narrow roadway.  The drop, on the ocean side, was extremely steep.  We arrive at the parking area, at the furthest point vehicles could travel.  It was a very short walk until the cliffs were in full view.  I was stunned.  I had a huge lump in my throat and my eyes were tearing up.  Grandma and I finally got to see some cliffs.  The weather was ideal.  It is often foggy, rainy, and windy, and visibility is often hampered, but on this day it was sunny, warm and calm.  I could see for miles.  The cliffs are almost 2000 feet.  It was breathtaking.  

Steep drops to the ocean. (Taken through the bus window)
Steep drops to the ocean. (Taken through the bus window)
Steep drops to the ocean. (Taken through the bus window)
Steep drops to the ocean.
The view was beyond anything I expected.

There appeared to be many crevices and tunnels at the base of the cliffs where the waves have been eroding the rock for years.  The colours of the cliffs range from lush green where grasses grow, to white rock, to dark greens and greys.  Fences are erected to keep people back from the edge.  There is also a boardwalk, that leads up to a path, which continues on to the top of the cliffs.  Time did not permit me to climb to the top of the cliffs, but I did go a short distance from the boardwalk on the path.  I wanted to be alone for a few minutes and just take in the sight and be lost in my thoughts.  

Crevices and tunnel like places along the base.
Tunnel like sections along the base.
The amazing force of the water over many years causing erosion.
The many colours of the cliffs.

I tried to take a couple of selfies, but trying to get a significant portion of the cliffs in the background behind me proved to be impossible.  A very nice person saw what I was trying to do and came over and offered to take my picture for me.  How kind was that?  I then reciprocated the offer when I saw a couple trying to do the same thing.  I could tell they were most grateful even, though they didn’t speak English.  Their faces told me how happy they were.  

Taken by a nice gentleman who saw me attempting to take a selfie.
Taken by a nice gentleman who saw me attempting to take a selfie.

I just couldn’t get enough of the cliffs.  It was much more than I ever expected and I was overwhelmed.  I slowly made my way back down the path to the boardwalk.  I didn’t want to leave.  There were lots of people, but there is so much room to walk around, or just stand and stare, that it really didn’t seem busy at all.  

Zooming in on the top of the cliffs.
Maureen MacIntyre – One of my travel mates.
Slieve League Cliffs
Slieve League Cliffs
Walking back down towards the boardwalk.

There are a couple of lengthy hikes that takes one to the top of the cliffs.  One is called One Man’s Pass.  It takes about 2-3 hours return to do this hike.  Another hike includes One Man’s Pass and continues on to Pilgrim’s Path.  Pilgrim’s Path is the backside of Slieve League Cliffs.  It takes about 4-5 hours and is recommended for experienced hikers.  

There were several sheep/rams lazing about on the drive up and back from the cliffs.  They appeared to be roaming freely, as it is likely a communal grazing area.  One had very long curly horns and very long straight wool.  It did not look particularly friendly and I was quite happy to be safely in the bus.  

Unfriendly looking, curly horned, long wool sheep/ram.
Unfriendly looking, curly horned, long wool sheep/ram.

Near the main viewing area we could see what remains of a signal tower built in the 19th century and was used to watch for a French invasion.   There is also an area where stones were placed forming 71 EIRE as a navigation aid for WW2 by American bomber pilots.  It also warned that they were flying over neutral territory.  

Remains of Signal Tower
71 Eire – Navigational Aid for WW2

I left Slieve League with a feeling of peace and contentment.  It was more than I had ever expected it would be.  Brack Tours really know how to make a trip to Ireland breathtaking, entertaining, relaxing and memorable.

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